A lot of recent developments have been made about adhesively bonded joints modeling using various methods of analysis. The increasing application of adhesives in industry is partly due to the increased sophistication and reliability of adhesive joints modeling. The book proposed intends to provide the designer with the most advanced stress analyses techniques in adhesive joints to reinforce the use of this promising bonding technique.
Simple Lap Joint Geometry 3
Analysis of Cracked Lap Shear CLS Joints 25
Analytical Models with Stress Functions 52
Numerical Modeling 93
Complex Constitutive Adhesive Models 95
Complex Joint Geometry 131
Progressive Damage Modelling 155
Modelling Fatigue in Adhesively Bonded Joints 183
Environmental Degradation 224
NonLinear Thermal Stresses in Adhesive Joints 243
Impact 278
Stress Analysis of Bonded Joints by Boundary Element Method 305
Index 327
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Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints
Lucas F. M. da Silva
Springer Science & Business Media, 14 oct. 2008 - 335 páginas
0 Reseñas
A lot of recent developments have been made about adhesively bonded joints modeling using various methods of analysis. The increasing application of adhesives in industry is partly due to the increased sophistication and reliability of adhesive joints modeling. The book proposed intends to provide the designer with the most advanced stress analyses techniques in adhesive joints to reinforce the use of this promising bonding technique.
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Páginas seleccionadas
Página 112
Página 112
Página del título
Página del título
Simple Lap Joint Geometry
Analysis of Cracked Lap Shear CLS Joints
Analytical Models with Stress Functions
Numerical Modeling
Complex Constitutive Adhesive Models
Complex Joint Geometry
Progressive Damage Modelling
Modelling Fatigue in Adhesively Bonded Joints
Environmental Degradation
NonLinear Thermal Stresses in Adhesive Joints
Stress Analysis of Bonded Joints by Boundary Element Method
Página de créditos
Términos y frases comunes
Abdel Wahab adherend Adhes Adhes Adhes Sci Technol adhesive butt joints adhesive joints adhesive layer adhesive shear adhesive stresses adhesive thickness adhesively bonded joints analysis of adhesive analytical applied Ashcroft IA behavior boundary conditions boundary element boundary element method CLS specimen coef?cients cohesive components composite Composite Materials crack growth Crocombe damage models de?ned de?ections deformation dif?cult displacement displacement vector double lap joints edge effect elastic element method energy release rate epoxy equations experimental failure fatigue ?nite element ?rst fracture mechanics function geometry Goland and Reissner in?uence Int J Adhes interface interphase joint strength joints subjected matrix Mech mesh moisture non-linear numerical parameters peel stresses predicted propagation ratio region S-N curve Sancaktar shear modulus shear stress shown in Fig single lap joint strain strength of materials stress analysis stress concentrations stress distribution substrate tee joint tests thermal stress tubular viscoelastic von Mises stress Young’s modulus
Título Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints
Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints
Editor Lucas F. M. da Silva
Edición ilustrada
Editor Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
ISBN 354079056X, 9783540790563
N.º de páginas 335 páginas